Sunday, July 28, 2013

Doctors, tell me something I don't know.

Patient: "I have a headache"
Doctor: "Take tylenol,  consume lots of fluids and rest."

Patient: "I get really bad cramps during my period."
Doctor: "Take tylenol, drink plenty of fluids and rest your body.

Patient: "I'm itching all over my skin."
Doctor: "Take this anti-histamine and use this steroid cream. Most importantly get some rest."

Patient: "I can't sleep at night."
Doctor: "Take a sleeping pill so that you can get more rest at night."

Why do we pay doctors so much money just to have them tell us something that we would probably already do if there was no doctor around?

We all know that tylenol takes the pain away..... only temporarily.

We all know that sleeping pills knock us out.... but we become dependent on it.

We all know that steroids fix almost any skin disorder but weakens our skin forever.

Doctors, we don't want temporary relief! We want our problems to be gone!

Growing up in a Chinese herb store, I was always around Chinese doctors and herbs.
When women came in with head aches, they were not recommended tylenol and rest. The Chinese doctors would first ask questions to better understand their patient. Next he would check their pulse to see if the organs were working well and to find out the natural characteristics of their body. Lastly, patients would be asked to stick out their tongue so that the doctor can more accurately diagnose the patient. Then the doctors would write a prescription just for this patient. Every single herb in this formula would be chosen to target what ever was wrong and be tailored to fit the patients physical and internal nature. There was never the same reason or the same cure for a headache in patients within one day.

There was always a reason to a problem. The reasons that Chinese doctors come up is not something we hear everyday. Neither is it something most people can easily understand.

What were usual causes of headaches in the Eastern method of medicine?
Wind, too much heat, lack of sleep due to anxiety.

What were common causes of skin problems in the body?
Heat, Dampness, weak liver (does  not mean you are close to liver failure)

Causes of menstrual cramps?
Weak stomach, dampness, cold, lack of blood circulation in the body (but it doesn't mean you have high or low blood pressure)

It's interesting yet confusing isn't it?